Kassel Documenta15
Aura Protection

Kassel Documenta15
Aura Protection

We are thrilled to present WAGIWAGI at Hübner areal at documentafifteen together with Jatiwangi art Factory.

Terracotta as the new narratives today, non-human perspectives expand our understanding of the world.

Most of the reservoirs have serious siltation problems, as a result, less than half the storage of the original design is available. Modification of the reservoir sludge as a starting point to create environmentally products, using modified sludge developed a revolutionary, environmentally friendly material: bi-birth sludge leather. Sludge leather is highly breathable and waterproof and can replace traditional leather. bi-birth sludge leather is an innovative environmental product for today's environment, raising awareness of animal protection and leather and fur utilization to a considerable degree.

Real luxury is not pursuing precious and scarce materials but choosing eco-friendly and sustainable ones. The pursuit of sustainability is based on the love for life on earth, and searching for a fashionable life that is environmentally friendly is the ultimate goal in the future world because lives and resources that have passed can never come back.

Coming from Tainan, Taiwan, Fashion designers Kay Hung & Orbit Lin are good at using deconstruction techniques to integrate cyclic design concepts into street fashion, forming a Zen Buddhism aesthetic with both old and new styles. In their self-owned brand "oqLiq”, we can see a series of functional media has been reflecting on the changes in management, production, and sales through the integration of cultural concepts, and even passing them on to the consumers. In the face of the environmental impact of climate warming, urban functions, cultural codes, and traditional arts are gradually mixed into Neo-orientalism with Futurism.

Kay Hung & Orbit Lin are both rising stars in the design field. In 2015, they won the IF Product Design Award (IF design). In 2019, they began to participate in the four major international fashion week shows, such as NYFW (New York Fashion Week), MAN Paris, SHFW (Shanghai Fashion Week), and LFW (London Fashion Week); In 2021, they were also invited to participate in the Paris Fashion Week Palais de Tokyo group exhibition and the Taipei Contemporary Art Biennale.

Material : bi-birth sludge leather by Loto X oqLiq

WAGIWAGI in documenta15

▋Date : 2022/06/18-2022/09/25

▋Time : 10:00-20:00

▋Location : HÜBNER AREAL Agathofstraße 15, 34123 Kassel

oqLiq主理人,受邀於卡塞爾文件展(Kassel Documenta)參與《瓦集瓦籍》(WAGIWAGI)藝術計劃,是世界最著名的藝術展覽之一,在德國卡塞爾每5年舉辦一次,與巴西聖保羅雙年展及威尼斯雙年展並稱為世界三大藝術展。首次以品牌的角度跨入當代藝術的思辨。

《瓦集瓦籍》(WAGIWAGI) ,嘗試從非人類中心的視角探討島嶼生態系統,進行「資源-共享者-建制」(resource-commoner-institution) 的辯證思考,邀請來自台灣、印尼和英國的藝術家通過「陽光、植物、土地」文本回應當前的生態環境,同時與印尼賈蒂望宜藝術工廠社群進行建築空間的基礎系統探索和建構。「島嶼」可能是在辨識、探掘、 建制、抵抗、磨合與協商中營造出的另類「場域」,指向某種階段性「共同生活」之生命實踐, 也包含了對「無法共同生活」之種種緣故的反思。

洪琪 & 林家豪 (Kay Hung & Orbit Lin)

來自台南的服裝設計師洪琪 & 林家豪擅長運用解構的技法,將循環設計理念和概念融入在街頭時裝,構成新舊交織的禪意美學。在自創品牌 oqLiq 中,能系列性的看見機能性媒材如何通過文化性概念的轉化,反應在經營、生產及銷售面向的改變,甚至進而傳達給大眾消費者。面對氣候暖化的環境衝擊,都會機能、文化符碼與傳統工藝逐漸揉雜成新東方未來主義。

呼應印尼的「紅土」生態,他們以服裝設計帶出作品《氣場》,以全回收素材3D列印出未來生活建築原型體,從台灣的工業爐灰回收到水庫淤泥以及牡蠣殼回收的素材,將純工業廢棄物轉化成為「零水泥循環漿體」,製作出未來性的無水泥3D列印建築單元 。

複合軟性媒材的部份則是 oqLiq 品牌與成大樂土合作,以水庫淤泥製成的仿皮革材質,真正的高奢不是使用最珍貴稀缺的材質,而是與地球共生的循環系統,永續的追求是根基於對地球生命體的熱愛,尋找共生共存的時尚生活是未來世界永遠的目標,因為逝去的已永遠不再能重來。


藝術家|何灝、林安琪、洪信介、洪琪 & 林家豪、行政院農業委員會林業試驗所伍淑惠 & 林資芬、張立群、黃志華、黃宜品、巴格斯‧潘得佳 & 今津景、凱林‧布里克、阿里安山‧卡尼亞哥、梁棨筑、黃偉茜、陳科廷






策展單位|細着藝術 細着藝術 suaveart studio


材質:bi-birth sludge leather by Loto X oqLiq複合軟性媒材的部份則是 oqLiq 品牌與「成大樂土」合作,以水庫淤泥製成的仿皮革材質,真正的高奢不是使用最珍貴稀缺的材質,而是與地球共生的循環系統,永續的追求是根基於對地球生命體的熱愛,尋找共生共存的時尚生活是未來世界永遠的目標,因為逝去的已永遠不再能重來。.